I am feeling VERY ill... as if it weren't enough for all of my kids to be sick multiple times in the last 2 months... they keep giving it to ME (The only person in the house withOUT some sort of health insurance...) :(
To top it off it was a short week work-hours-wise for both me and Everardo... due mainly to the fact that the switched him back to days AGAIN with only a weekend's notice, and my work didn't have available openings for me to switch my hours around to work a full schedule. So I've been trying to find babysitters for sick kids to be able to work whatever hours I can beg from the company, and extra minutes from 3-5am, and from 7pm to midnight (tonight, Saturday... 51 minutes to go...)
I missed church last week because of kids with strep, and it looks like I'll miss the satellite broadcast of Stake Conference this week too... I think I'm just going to break open the piggy bank and go to the walk in clinic tomorrow if I feel even 1/2 this bad...
That's all for now... gonna crawl back in under the blankets in my chair and pray that the phone doesn't ring in the next hour... (I know, I need the minutes, but really... I don't want them right now.) :P