La Mexicana Albina - That's me!

Sometimes I think I was born on the wrong side of the border... or that my heart thinks that it is Mexican, although my body is definitely Gringa! Will I actually post to a blog, when I can barely bring myself to write once a month in my journal? We shall see...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Good News...

The Hida scan was a good thing to have done. The Surgeon would have ordered it anyway, so by getting the PA at the other clinic to order it before-hand, we shaved a week at least off of the time Everardo is missing from work. His result of the Hida wasn't horrible... at 34% it was only 1% less than the low end of "normal", but the fact that the CCK shot reproduced the pain he has been feeling was the "Aha!" for the Doc and so out comes his gallbladder! He's scheduled for surgery on Tuesday the 12th, and has been told he'll be out of work for probably 2 weeks after that. So, that will bring the grand total to 4 wks of work missed. I never really thought I'd say I was glad to have gone through bankruptcy, but the fact that we did, and that the only debts we now have are the house and a student loan, means that we are stable enough now (and have enough saved up) to get through this time without it being a crisis. We aren't even having to dip into our emergency fund, unless something more unexpected happens. We will have a hefty co-insurance portion to pay to the hospital, I'm sure, but this hospital has always been really great about letting us make payments (and they don't charge interest) so I don't think it will be a big problem. It will probably push back our trip to Mexico, since we need to save up a lot of $$ before we can go, but we weren't planning on it until probably after school gets out, anyway. Life goes on. :)


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